
 ⇐   February 12th, 2023   ⇒ 

Copyright 2023 Michael Anttila

Just before Stadia shut down, a group of people working on Stadia decided to use their "fun budget" to buy custom Stadia keyboards for everyone working on the project. It took about six months for the keyboard order to come through, during which time Stadia was shut down. So, it was a bittersweet event at work, the day the large boxes of keyboards arrived and we all had a keyboard building party.

The keyboard itself is a very nice mechanical keyboard, with a dazzling RGB light display. It is possible to turn off the display, but I like keeping it on. The only downside is that the keyboard did not come with a numeric keypad. I had to buy one separately, and it didn't arrive until after this photo was taken.

So, this is my new home PC setup down in the basement. The desktop background image was rendered with my pathtracer, and just consists of some randomly generated cubes and spheres.

Technical Details: This photo was taken with my Pixel 6.

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