
 ⇐   February 19th, 2023   ⇒ 

Copyright 2023 Michael Anttila

Over the holiday break, the City of Waterloo closed the Adult Recreation Centre, and opened the new Community Pavillion at the Waterloo Memorial Recreation Complex, near Waterloo Park. Now the Waterloo Concert Band has a new storage+rehearsal space in the new location!

So far, the acoustics are pretty terrible. We had asked them to make the rehearsal space "not rectangular", but a rectangle is the cheapest shape to build, so that's what they did. The sound becomes slightly more tolerable if we put all of the blinds down, although I must say that the room has an incredible view of the sunset over the city when the blinds are open.

The building is so new, that it is not on the satellite imagery on Google Maps! I had to guess where to put the pin on the map.

Technical Details: This photo was taken with my Pixel 6.

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