
 ⇐   January 10th, 2016   ⇒ 

Copyright 2016 Michael Anttila

This month all five planets that are visible to the naked eye are in the early morning sky at the same time. On a clear morning I got up early and braved the cold weather to see if I could get a photo of the event.

The planets were spread out pretty far, but I managed to get four of them in this 3-shot panorama. I was out too early to see Mercury. It had not risen yet. I didn't stay outside to watch it rise for three reasons: 1. It was very cold. 2. I didn't think I had a good chance of seeing it due to the hill and tall trees on the horizon in that direction. 3. The rising sun would have probably made the sky too bright to get a decent photo.

Anyway, four out of five isn't bad. If you can't tell which four dots are the planets, hover over the image to get an annotated version.

Technical Details: This panorama was taken with my 5D Mark II + Tamron 28-75 at 28mm, ISO 1600, f/8 for 10 seconds.

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