
 ⇐   April 22nd, 2012   ⇒ 

Copyright 2012 Michael Anttila

Angela is attending a three day workshop on aboriginal issues this week, so I took some vacation time to stay home with Aila. When the weather is good, we have been going on hikes in the backyard. Usually we walk downriver, towards Elora. This time I decided to see how far the trail went upriver, towards Fergus.

On our way towards the end of the trail, we came upon some geese who seemed quite upset that we were there. Then I noticed their nest on the shore, filled with eggs! No wonder they were behaving strangely. I quickly snapped this photo with my cell phone and then we continued on our way to not disturb them any further.

The trail seems to end not too far after this, when it runs into a house that is built right on the shore of the river. There didn't seem to be anyone home at the time, so I couldn't find out if the trail continues after that point.

Technical details: This photo was taken with my LG Pop.

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