
 ⇐   July 18th, 2010   ⇒ 

Copyright 2010 Michael Anttila

This Friday was closing day! That means that it was time for the traditional "pizza and beer" celebration! This time, instead of having it on the living room floor, we brought some chairs and had our dinner out on the back deck.

Everyone was excited to see the house, especially us! We've been hard at work since then getting it ready for painting and some minor renovations before we move in.

On a totally unrelated note, I have managed to find time to experiment with my new camera some more. This week, I got my first decent video of Marabelle eating a cricket. That video really pushes the camera to its limits, but it does alright. You couldn't do this with just any camera!

Technical details: This photo was taken my 5D Mark II + Tamron 28-75 at 28mm, ISO 200, f/8 for 1/40th of a second.


Congrats on the new home Mike.	Hope you post some pictures after the painting
is done.  
-- Aneta at 11:41pm, Tuesday July 20, 2010 EST

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