
 ⇐   July 11th, 2010   ⇒ 

Copyright 2010 Michael Anttila

This weekend we had our moving sale to try to get rid of as much extra stuff as possible. It was quite a success! We had a steady stream of people come through from 8am to just after noon. Angela's coworker Merren also came by and set up a table of stuff to sell, so we had a good variety of items.

We get the keys to the new house on Friday, so we are very excited! We bought all of the paint we need for next week, so we are ready to buckle down and start working.

Technical details: This photo was taken my 5D Mark II + Tamron 28-75 at 33mm, ISO 100, f/8 for 1/60th of a second.


That's a sweet canopy thing.  Did you sell it?	If not, how much?
-- Aaron at 10:28am, Wednesday July 21, 2010 EST

Hahah, no, that's not for sale.  That's Emily's canopy, and we use it every
year for Blue Skies.  It suffered a near catastrophe this year when I lent it
to someone and it came back broken, but I manufactured some new parts out of
wood and brought it back to life.

It was straining heavily under the weight of
those close, but it held up all day.  We shall see if it survives Blue Skies.
-- Michael at 8:26am, Thursday July 22, 2010 EST

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