
 ⇐   February 14th, 2010   ⇒ 

Copyright 2010 Michael Anttila

This weekend Angela, Tanya, Jason, Luch and I went to Niagara Falls for a quick weekend getaway. Somehow I managed to forget to bring my camera, so my apologies for the cell phone picture. On Saturday night we walked down by the falls to see them with the lights on. They were very nice in the winter, and there were hardly any tourists there due to the cold weather.

On the way to Niagara Falls we stopped by some wineries to do our own little wine tour and stock up for the year. All in all, it was a fun little weekend getaway, and it was fairly cheap time of year to do it... we got a pretty good deal on the hotel rooms.

Technical details: This photo was taken with my Sony Ericsson K790a at 5.2mm, ISO 640, f/2.8 for 1/8th of a second.

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