
 ⇐   March 13th, 2016   ⇒ 

Copyright 2016 Michael Anttila

Just when I thought winter was over, we were hit by a massive ice storm. It was just as bad as the big ice storm back in 2013. Luckily this time we had double-digit temperatures just a few days later, so the trees weren't weighed down for too long.

Still, we lost two trees in front of our house, and at least one big tree in the back. I haven't been down to the river to survey the damage down there yet. We were without power (and thus without running water too) for 20 hours.

After the storm, we went outside to clear the driveway in case we needed to get out. This is a photo I took just before we started doing the clean up. When I took this photo the kids were standing behind me, but I have Angela in the frame for scale.

Technical Details: This photo was taken with my 5D Mark II + Tamron 28-78 at 28mm, ISO 400, f/8 for 1/80th of a second.

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