
 ⇐   October 21st, 2012   ⇒ 

Copyright 2012 Michael Anttila

Before we moved to Elora I rarely ever saw the sun rise in the morning. I'm lucky enough to have a flexible job where I can start late and work late. However, since we moved Angela and I have been car pooling together most days, and she has to be at work by 8:30am sharp. This means that we have to get Aila to daycare by 8:15am at the latest, which means we have to leave the house at 7:30am each morning. I've gone from almost never seeing the sun rise to getting up at 6am sharp and seeing the sun rise every day.

This weekend we had some rare spare time at home so I took the opportunity to clean the windows of the car. I wanted to take a photo of the view I have on our commute into town each morning. I should explain a bit: We bought a 3-in-1 car seat (on sale!) for Aila, but when it is in the rear-facing position, it is a bit too big for our car, and it forces the front passenger seat forward to the point where neither Angela nor I can fit in it. Because of this, one of us has to sit in the back with Aila. Since Angela gets car sick very easily, she can't sit in the back, so she drives and I get to ride in the back with Aila.

This seating configuration has some definite advantages. I get to play with Aila and keep her entertained while we drive, I can feed her snacks if she is hungry (or breakfast if we are running late), and I'm always in a good position to take photos. I get made fun of at work, but it is a small price to pay for spending an extra hour with Aila every day.

On Monday we set out with freshly cleaned car windows, and we were treated to a spectacular sunrise. I managed to get some great photos as we zipped down the highway. Aila didn't seem to be as excited as I was, and didn't really see what all the fuss was about. I guess she has just grown up with sunrises every morning. She preferred to spend her time reading, which she often does in the car. If you hover your mouse over the sunrise photo, you can see her studying up on her farm animals.

Technical details: This photo was taken with my 5D Mark II + Tamron 28-75 at 75mm, ISO 1600, f/4.0 for 1/4000th of a second.


Gorgeous photos!

Meanwhile, I only see the sunrise if I haven't gone to bed
yet. :P 

It's great that you get to spend time with Aila in the car each
morning. I'm sure she appreciates the extra time together just as much as you
do. :)
-- Alix at 9:06pm, Tuesday October 23, 2012 EST

Aila is looking great! I assume she has gotten over all the illnesses at the
daycare. How is the new daycare working out?
-- Dad at 1:32pm, Wednesday October 24, 2012 EST

She is between colds at the moment.  She still has a cough, but I think it is
getting better.  She switches to the new daycare next week... so we will see. 
At the very least, I'm hoping it will take less time to drive there each
-- Michael at 1:41pm, Wednesday October 24, 2012 EST

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