
 ⇐   July 29th, 2012   ⇒ 

Copyright 2012 Michael Anttila

This weekend Grandma, Aunt Christine and Cousin Jeremy came to visit, and Aila had a lot of fun playing with bubbles and swimming in the pool. After all of that excitement, we went to the Eby Farmstead in Waterloo Park to see the animals. They had some curious looking chickens there. After some online searching, I believe they are Silkies. Some of them had so much plumage on top that you couldn't even see their eyes. This one decided to pose for me, and I managed to get a decent picture through the chain link fence.

For those of you looking for your weekly Aila fix, I happened to be recording her when she took her first step!

Technical details: This photo was taken with my 5D Mark II + EF 70-300 IS at 300mm, ISO 400, f/8.0 for 1/60th of a second.

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