
 ⇐   June 3rd, 2012   ⇒ 

Copyright 2012 Michael Anttila

This Tuesday was the last chance to see a solar transit of Venus in my lifetime (unless I live to be 145, which I plan to do, by the way). So, being the astrophotography enthusiast that I am, one would figure that I had spent months planning for this event. Unfortunately, the procrastinator in me took over, and I didn't get my act together until Sunday night, which was too late to acquire the necessary equipment to observe or photograph the transit.

I did have a plan, however. You may remember that a while ago I built a pinhole lens for my Rebel XT. I decided to try to photograph the transit "ghetto-style", so I used a paper towel tube to convert my pinhole lens into a telephoto pinhole lens. I figured that with some experimentation, I might be able to get the image sharp enough to image venus against the glare of the sun.

What follows is a case study in not being prepared, and not thinking things through:

So, I will probably never know if my ghetto telephoto pinhole lens would have worked. It won't ever be good enough to pick up sunspots or Mercury transits, so I will have to wait 105 years until the next Venus transit to try it again. From now on I will make sure to bring my entire kit with me when I'm trying to take an important photograph.

If you made it this far through my wall of text, please enjoy Jansen's photograph of the Venus transit of 2012!

Technical details: This photo was taken by Jansen Winkler with his iPod Touch looking through the eyepiece of a telescope with a solar filter.


Cool drama. You can see the full transit by going to the NASA site.
-- dad at 12:43am, Monday June 11, 2012 EST

Nice try, Mike!  Sorry it didn't work out.

But, um, Venus Transit > massage.
-- Aaron at 3:10pm, Monday June 11, 2012 EST

Haha, well I didn't give Angela much notice... I didn't mention it to her until
Sunday.  Also, I didn't give it much thought even then because I figured it
would be overcast that day anyway.

As the sky started clearing as the work day was ending, it became a more
desperate and futile struggle on my part to try to get a photo (or even view
the transit).

If forgot to mention that before I left work that day, I helped Norm set up a
pinhole camera in my office, but I had to leave before the transit started.  As
I was at home trying desperately to see the transit, I kept getting text
messages from Norm saying things like:	"It looks pretty cool... taking some
pictures and videos of the transit..."

So while I was on my front lawn struggling with crumpled pieces of paper and
cardboard, people were in my office back at work enjoying the transit using a
pinhole camera that I helped build.  That is the ultimate reason why I jumped
in the car and drove to Inverhaugh to try to find someone with a telescope.
-- Michael at 3:58pm, Monday June 11, 2012 EST

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