
 ⇐   June 6th, 2010   ⇒ 

Copyright 2010 Michael Anttila

On Saturday we headed to Aurora for Chloe's 2nd birthday party! Angela decided to try out my new camera and lens by taking some photos of Chloe, Darren and Julia. Chloe was smiling all day long, but she seemed to be quite confused whenever the large lens was pointed in her direction. I think she might just be used to small point and shoot cameras.

Angela took this photo after asking Chloe to turn around and face the camera. I was very excited to see the results from my new Tamron lens (and the 5D Mark II as well). There were no lights on in the house, so it was actually very dark in the living room. Angela was shooting with the lens wide open at f/2.8 and at ISO 400.

The results were very good, in my opinion. I didn't feel the need to run any noise reduction filters on the final image, and the lens let in enough light to feel confident shooting without a flash. I also love the decreased depth of field from the combination of wider aperture of the lens and larger sensor of the 5DMkII. It really makes Chloe pop out in this photo!

Technical details: This photo was taken by Angela with my 5D Mark II + Tamron 28-75mm at 28mm, ISO 400, f/2.8 for 1/40th of a second.


This is just a fantastic photo.  The laughing family in the background (both
position wise and focus wise), the transfixed toddler with her toy dangling
from her hands in sharp relief -- wonderful!
-- Adam at 11:00pm, Wednesday June 9, 2010 EST

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