
 ⇍   December 21st, 2008   ⇏ 

Copyright 2008 Michael Anttila

Our renovation project is finally (almost) done! What renovation project, you say? Well, some of you might know that we decided to fix our broken cold cellar. One thing led to another, and before you knew it, we were adding a front porch onto our house!

For comparison purposes, let's start with a photo from 2005 showing the front of the house, porchless. The "after" photo is below it.

Hahah, just kidding! Angela and I decided to do some photoshopping to see what our house would look like with a front porch. Using our elite photoshop skillz, this is what we came up with. I then did a detailed sketch using pencil and paper, and gave that to our contractor. I forgot to get it back from him, so I don't have a photo of that to show you.

Anyway, here is the actual photo of the finished product. Tonight our streetlight decided to work for once, so unfortunately the lighting isn't that great, but I wanted to get a photo before all the snow melted (what is with the crazy weather these days anyway?) so I couldn't wait for perfect lighting conditions this time. :)

Technical details: This image was taken with my Rebel XT + kit lens at 39mm, ISO 100, f/8 for 30 seconds.


Wonderful! I love porches! I'll be right over! :)
-- Margaret at 12:29am, Saturday December 27, 2008 EST

Thats a fine looking porch.  Its incredible how much it enhances the curb
appeal of the house.  
-- Aravind at 10:39am, Saturday December 27, 2008 EST

Thanks!  Yes, it's amazing how much character it adds.	Whenever I look at old
pictures now I can't believe how plain it looked before.
-- Michael at 1:01pm, Saturday December 27, 2008 EST

Wow what a difference that made, good job!
-- Sue at 5:07pm, Monday December 29, 2008 EST

I thought the last picture was a rendering.  But you actually built the porch. 
That's cheating!   But seriously, for a REAL porch, it still looks pretty good!
-- Chad at 8:35am, Monday January 19, 2009 EST

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