
 ⇍   October 19th, 2008   ⇏ 

Copyright 2008 Michael Anttila

Can you guess who this is?

I didn't realize that I was behind schedule this week until Angela pointed it out to me on Thursday evening. As part of our wedding planning, we have taken on a large new project: We are attempting to digitize all of Angela's old family photos. We have seven boxes of slides, three photo albums of prints, and about a zillion negatives to go through.

We picked up a scanner on sale at BestBuy last week, and as a test run on the weekend we scanned in two boxes of slides. It went really well, and the scanner did a great job of trying to restore colour to the old faded slides. It takes about a minute to scan each image though, so considering we have hundreds to go through, we have our work cut out for us!

The photo below is a scan of a slide from the winter of 1977/78. If everything I said above hasn't tipped you off, that little fact really should. If you are still stumped, you can check the filename. I have no idea where it was taken, but if Angela has an idea, then I will update the map to a more accurate position.

Update: Apparently it was taken at Professor's Lake in Brampton!

Technical details: This image was scanned from a film slide using our new Canon Canoscan 8800F.


What a beautiful baby! I would have guessed Angela without any of the hints. :)
-- Margaret at 8:01pm, Friday October 24, 2008 EST

Aww!! When the time comes you two are going to have appallingly cute kids.  :)
-- Jenny at 5:09pm, Monday October 27, 2008 EST

what a beautiful sleeping angel!  I remember you being that small.  Lot's of
tissues at the wedding for your mom and me, okay?
-- Jeannie at 1:59pm, Tuesday October 28, 2008 EST

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