
 ⇍   October 12th, 2008   ⇏ 

Copyright 2008 Michael Anttila

We no longer live in a construction zone! They have finally finished rebuilding our street. The "road closed" sign is still up, but it is pretty much done, and most people seem to be ignoring the sign now anyway.

In July, I took some "before" photos just before they started tearing things up, and this weekend I took some "after" photos to show what they changed. My plan is to post them up on Picasa, but I made the mistake of downloading version 3 and it totally didn't work. And I deleted version 2. So, now I have reinstalled version 2, but for some reason it wants to index my entire hard disk, including every photo I've ever taken, every music video I've ever downloaded, every graphic image from every demo or video game I've ever written, etc. Actually, it got to my before and after photos pretty quickly, so here is a link to my Before and After Photos of Margaret Ave web album.

The other thing we did this weekend was figure out what we wanted to do in New Zealand! We now have a full itinerary, so now it is just a matter of booking things like flights, hotels, rental cars, rail passes, tours, and such. It's exciting!

Technical details: These photos were shot with my Rebel XT + kit lens at 18mm, ISO 200, f/20, for 1/100th of a second (top) and 1/60th of a second (bottom).


Very nice! I'm not sure what the point of that little bank in the middle is
though...maybe just to give pedestrians somewhere to stand if they only make it
half-way across the road?

-- Alix at 2:10pm, Saturday October 18, 2008 EST

Yes, the idea is that pedestrians only have to worry about crossing one way at
a time, so they can get across the road faster and safer than if they had to
cross the whole way all at once.

However, I don't think very many people cross
Margaret Ave at that point, so I'm predicting that the pedestrian island will
mostly go unused.  However, it happens to be in the perfect spot for me to use
it as I'm walking to work in the morning, so I've already crossed there a
couple of times.

-- Michael at 8:55pm, Saturday October 18, 2008 EST

Awesome!  I particularly love how well the images register against each other! 
Good job!
-- Chad at 3:23pm, Tuesday October 21, 2008 EST

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