
 ⇍   September 7th, 2008   ⇏ 

Copyright 2008 Michael Anttila

On Sunday Angela and I drove to Pickering to watch her cousin Kevin play in his championship soccer game. His team in the under 11 boy's league was undefeated all season, so we knew it would be an exciting semifinal (and hopefully final) match.

The tournament was held at the Kinsmen Park beside the nuclear power plant. It started raining as soon as we got there in the morning, and rained pretty constantly all day, which made it challenging to get good pictures without soaking my camera, but I did my best to get a few good shots.

The semifinal game went well, and Kevin scored the first goal of the game. The photo on the right is a shot taken shortly after that first goal in the semifinal game. The photo on the left was also taken later on during the semifinal game.

For the final game, Kevin was picked as the goalie for the second half, and didn't let the other team score a single goal. Thus their undefeated streak held and they placed first overall!

Technical details: These photos were shot with my Rebel XT + 70-300IS at 300mm, ISO 100, f/5.6, for 1/125th and 1/100th of a second.


What an exciting game! Kevin so happy so have you both there to see him in
action. Great pictures Mike thanks very much!
-- Jeannie at 3:37pm, Tuesday September 16, 2008 EST

Thanks!  I had fun taking them!
-- Michael at 10:01am, Wednesday September 17, 2008 EST

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