
 ⇍   July 13th, 2008   ⇏ 

Copyright 2008 Michael Anttila

This weekend was pretty busy. On Saturday, Angela's sister Christine threw a wedding shower for Angela and I at Angela's mom's house. It got rained out, but it was still a fun time. Thanks to everyone who came!

On Sunday, we celebrated Molly's birthday by driving down to Hamilton and spending the afternoon at Webster's Falls. Neither Angela, Molly, nor I had ever been there before, so we didn't know what to expect, but it turned out to be pretty awesome. The park is a really nice spot to have a picnic (and there were a lot of families doing just that), and the river flows right through the centre of it all, and then over the falls into a deep gorge.

One thing that struck us was the lack of safety barriers anywhere. There were kids playing in the rapids just above the falls, and kids playing in the rapids just below the falls as well. Also, there were people clamboring(*)clambering over all the rocks in the gorge, climbing up the sides, and venturing behind the waterfall. It was all pretty intense, but everyone was having a great time.

Angela managed to find a semi-secret lookout spot near the top of the gorge where we could get a spectacular view of all the action. I think I was so struck with the location that I wasn't really thinking about photography, and so my pictures from that day aren't as great as they could have been. We plan to go back soon though, so I may yet have another chance.

(*) Note: "clamboring" isn't actually a word, apparently, but I like it, so I'm keeping it.

Technical details: This photo was taken with my Rebel XT + kit lens at 18mm, ISO 100, f/22 for 1/6th of a second (handheld, since my tripod was too short to see over the shrubs).


I really like Webster's Falls.	I discovered it the summer before I left
Ontario.  I actually wanted to visit it on my last trip to Ontario but didn't
have the time.	I haven't discovered your secret lookout but it looks like a
new view.  
-- Aravind at 2:54am, Wednesday July 16, 2008 EST

Wow nice place, crazy I have never heard of it. I am glad the party went well,
sorry we couldn't attend, Josh's family saved Christmas for that day so we
could be there. 
-- Sue at 5:35pm, Thursday July 17, 2008 EST

Wow, those are some great looking falls!

I'm glad you had fun at the shower. 
-- Alix at 6:22pm, Thursday July 17, 2008 EST

Yes, I guess people don't really know about Webster's Falls because they are
overshadowed by Niagara Falls.	In Hawaii we went out of our way to find Twin
Falls, which were a big tourist attraction (see 

The Twin Falls were
nice and secluded I guess, but a mere trickle compared to Webster's Falls!
-- Michael at 8:18pm, Thursday July 17, 2008 EST

Yea, Twin Falls doesn't compare to Webster's falls.  This was the sad state of
twin falls when we were there a couple of months ago:


I think a
lot of Hamilton locals know about Webster's falls and not many others.	It does
get pretty busy there on the weekends during the summer though.  Oh and don't
leave anything at all valuable in your car there, I've known a couple of people
who've had their cars broken into while parked there.
-- Aravind at 2:07pm, Friday July 18, 2008 EST

Oops, sorry wrong picture.  Thats actually a different falls, not twin falls. 
I'll have to find the one of Twin Falls, but I remember it being a trickle.
-- Aravind at 2:09pm, Friday July 18, 2008 EST

There are at least two waterfalls at the Twin Falls location.  We only found
one of them, but apparently there is another one as well if you take a
different fork in the path, so that might be the other one...?
-- Michael at 3:06pm, Friday July 18, 2008 EST

Nice spot!  I'll keep it in mind for a trip some day.  Change that word to
clambering, a perfectly fine way to get over rocks.
-- Mum at 10:15pm, Wednesday July 23, 2008 EST

Ah, that's the word I was looking for.	Thanks!
-- Michael at 10:46pm, Wednesday July 23, 2008 EST

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