
 ⇍   June 15th, 2008   ⇏ 

Copyright 2008 Michael Anttila

On June 21st Angela and I attended Tony and Linda's wedding in Markham.

The weather was very nice, and the wedding was held at a golf course. While we were waiting for the ceremony to begin, we noticed these flowers nearby. They looked really nice, and a few of us wondered what kind they were.

After some searching around, I'm pretty sure they are a variety of Oenothera Fruticosa, otherwise known as "Evening Primrose". I think this variety is usually referred to as "Fireworks Sundrops", because of the bright red bulbs.

If anyone knows more, please leave a comment!

Technical details: This photo was taken with my Rebel XT + kit lens at 40mm, ISO 200, f/8 for 1/500th of a second.

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