
 ⇍   May 18th, 2008   ⇏ 

Copyright 2008 Michael Anttila

Now I'm really behind. I will try to catch up by posting some photos of back yard wildlife.

This is a robin!

Anyway, things have been pretty busy around here... but the upside is that as soon as we ship our product at work, Norm has preauthorized a multi-week vacation for me. I look forward to spending my time doing yardwork, cleaning up around the house, lazing around on the couch, trying out my new binoculars that Angela gave me for Christmas, trying out the telescope I bought from Aravind in December, and taking plenty of photos of course!

Until then, enjoy the birdy!

Technical details: This photo was taken with my Rebel XT + EF 70-300IS at 300mm, ISO 100, f/8 for 1/125th of a second.


Nice shot!  Glad to hear you'll be getting a break from work soon.  
-- Aravind at 11:24pm, Wednesday June 4, 2008 EST

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