
 ⇍   April 6th, 2008   ⇏ 

Copyright 2008 Michael Anttila

Since I posted a photo of Marabelle for last week's picture, it is only fair that I post a photo of Freddie this week.

This was taken at the same time as Marabelle's picture, just after we cleaned the terrarium. As you can see, Freddie is not very amused at being manhandled. He gets quite jumpy when you try to move him around, since he isn't as used to humans as Marabelle is. So, Angela has a firm grip on him to make sure he doesn't take a tumble and hurt himself.

If you look closely, you can see a little foot between her finger and thumb.

Oh, I also updated my Picasa web albums with more froggy photos!

Technical details: This photo was taken with my Rebel XT + kit lens at 55mm, ISO 1600, f/5.6 for 1/125th of a second.


Ahaha! I have never seen a frog with so much attitude. Love it. 
-- Sue at 4:24pm, Thursday April 17, 2008 EST

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