
 ⇍   February 3rd, 2008   ⇏ 

Copyright 2008 Michael Anttila

Four years ago when Angela and I met, I discovered that she had never been to Elora Gorge before. I also discovered that Angela loves fresh snow. So, one snowy day in early 2004 we headed to the conservation area in Elora to hike around and see the gorge.

Later that year, in the summer of 2004, we went for another hike up a large hill near up at Baptiste Lake. While we were resting at the top of the hill, I wove together some long grass and made Angela a ring.

A few months ago, I discovered that she had kept the grass ring I made for her on that hike.

On February 3rd this year, we just had a fresh snowfall, so Angela and I decided to go back for another winter hike at Elora Gorge. As we were leaving the house, I quietly grabbed the grass ring, and put it in an empty ring box. Then, while we were on bridge in the gorge, I handed Angela the box and asked her to marry me.

She was very surprised, and very happy as well! In case you are wondering, she said "yes", so we are now officially engaged!

We are in the process of picking out a "real" engagement ring, but in the meantime Angela has her grass ring on display.

These are two photos I took in the gorge right after I popped the question, so that you can share the moment with us too!

Technical details: These photos were taken with my Rebel XT + kit lens at 18mm, ISO 100, f/3.5, for 1/40th of a second (left photo) and 1/100th of a second (right photo).


Congratulations guys!  Hope you have a long and happy marriage and best wishes!
-- Aravind at 9:27am, Monday February 11, 2008 EST

OMG you guys!! What a sweet, lovely story... I'm all verklempt over here...
talk amongst yourselves...

Congratulations!  Again.  :)
-- Jenny at 1:22pm, Monday February 11, 2008 EST

Wow nice weaving job Mike:)
-- Sue at 2:12pm, Saturday February 16, 2008 EST

Thanks everyone!

If I recall correctly, the ring was made with just three
blades of long grass.  Making a secure knot on the other side was the hardest
part.  :)
-- Michael at 6:13pm, Saturday February 16, 2008 EST

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