
 ⇍   January 13th, 2008   ⇏ 

Copyright 2008 Michael Anttila

Some of you have already seen this picture, plus the other ones on Angela's Picasa Album, but for those that haven't, here it is!

This is Freddie, our little White's Tree Frog. We have another frog as well, named Eddie, but he is very sick at the moment. We're not sure if he's going to pull through, so he is back at the store now trying to recover.

Freddie is doing great in his new home, exploring and finding crickets to eat. He is a hard one to photograph, because he is usually only active at night when it is very dark, and in the daytime he tries to find the most hidden place possible to sleep.

I took this picture when Angela took him out of the Terrarium so that we could do a full cleaning.

Technical details: This photo was taken with my Rebel XT + kit lens at 55mm, ISO 1600, f/5.6, for 1/50th of a second.


Cute fella and nice pic.  
-- Aravind at 6:24pm, Sunday January 20, 2008 EST

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