
 ⇍   December 17th, 2006   ⇏ 

Copyright 2006 Michael Anttila

It's been so warm here recently... we definitely won't have a "White Christmas" in Waterloo this year.

Everything around is still so green... the warm, wet conditions have caused plants to continue growing to the point where they are starting to take over. In fact, this is a shot I took today from my front porch! It's like a rain forest here!

Hahah... OK, maybe not. This is actually a photo of the rain forest on Hawaii, near the Thurston Lava Tube on Kilauea.

It's still pretty warm here in Waterloo though.

Technical details: This was shot with my Rebel XT + kit lens at 18mm, ISO 100, f/3.5 for 1/200th of a second.

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