Mike's CO2 Reduction Guide


After watching An Inconvenient Truth, I spent some time looking at how I use energy around the house. I found that there is actually not a lot of information out there unless you know where to look, and even then some of it is confusing.

This web page will be my attempt at summarizing what I have learned and writing it down in an easy to read reference format. The goal is to provide a starting point where people can find information on how to reduce their CO2, NO, and SO2 emissions, energy use, and hopefully save money at the same time.

The Issue

Although there are plenty of issues in the world that need our attention, this page will be devoted to helping reduce climate change caused by humans. Luckily, this is an issue that can be tackled starting with very small steps taken in the comfort of your own home. Even if you do not believe in "global warming" or "climate change" or "scientists", this page could help you save some money without sacrificing any comfort!


I will make the following assumptions, some of which may be more relevant than others: Most of these assumptions can be modified by changing the numerical assumptions I have made using the form below.

The Results

I have organized my thoughts and calculations into the following table. It can be sorted in different ways by clicking on the column headings, depending on your priorities. For example, if you want to save money, click on the "Cost per Year" heading to see which activities are likely to save you the most money. If you really want to reduce your emissions, click on the "Emissions Savings per Year" heading twice to see which activities will help you reach your goals the fastest.

Each item description is a link to an explanation below, which will provide links and resources to help you learn more about it.

NOTE: Some of the values in the table below are definitely wrong... I am working to adjust them... and obviously your situation may differ from mine, so please take these results with a gain of salt and give some thought to your personal situation and see if you agree.

For example, replacing all your lightbulbs with compact fluorescents may actually increase your CO2 emissions in some cases. Also, installing a geothermal system may increase your CO2 emissions as well. I will try to provide more details soon. As always, don't believe everything you read on the internet. ;)

ActivityEmissions Savings per Year (in kg)Cost per Year (in dollars)
Replace all light bulbs with compact fluorescent equivalents (regular electricity) 97.61925 -17.5916666666667
Replace all light bulbs with compact fluorescent equivalents (clean electricity) 1.36875 -26.6254166666667
Switch to a clean electricity provider 2109.6 198
Buy a Prius instead of a Corolla 1250 575
Buy a Hybrid Camry instead of a Camry 1625 -452.5
Upgrade your hybrid car into a plug-in hybrid 1562.5 468.75
Upgrade your old natural gas furnace and water heater to high efficiency models 1618.75 -48.3333333333333
Switch to geothermal energy for all heating and cooling needs (regular electricity) 1126 610
Switch to geothermal energy for all heating and cooling needs (clean electricity) 6400 1105
Purchase and use a programmable thermostat (regular electricity) 825.8 -149
Purchase and use a programmable thermostat (clean electricity) 650 -165.5
Buy an electric lawnmower (regular electricity) 7.17 -8.26666666666667
Buy an electric lawnmower (clean electricity) 24.75 -6.61666666666667

Numerical Assumptions

If you wish to change any of the numerical assumptions made on this page, please do so using the form below:

Click "Refresh" to recalculate the table based on these numbers: 

Detailed Explanations

Replacing light bulbs with compact fluorescent equivalents.

This is one of the easiest things to do around the house, and it conserves energy as well as saving money in most circumstances. The cost of a typical compact fluorescent bulb is based on Rona's price of a pack of six bulbs, and a lifetime of approximately 10 times that of regular incandescent bulbs.

Of course, not everything is easy. Here are some things to watch out for:


CO2_Emissions_From_Regular_Grid_Per_kWh = CO2_Emissions_From_Coal_Per_kWh * Fraction_Of_Regular_Grid_From_Coal + CO2_Emissions_From_Nuclear_Per_kWh * Fraction_Of_Regular_Grid_From_Nuclear + CO2_Emissions_From_Clean_Per_kWh * (1.0 - Fraction_Of_Regular_Grid_From_Coal - Fraction_Of_Regular_Grid_From_Nuclear
0.3566 = 0.95 * 0.37 + 0.01 * 0.39 + 0.005 * (1.0 - 0.37 - 0.39)

Net_CO2_Emissions_Saved_By_Replacing_All_Bulbs_In_House_With_CFL_Regular_Grid = Average_Power_Used_By_Lighting_Per_Day_In_kWh * (1.0 - Wattage_Of_CFL_Needed_To_Replace_One_Watt_Of_Incandescent) * 365 * CO2_Emissions_From_Regular_Grid_Per_kWh
97.61925 = 1 * (1.0 - 0.25) * 365 * 0.3566

Yearly_Cost_Of_Incandescent_Lighting_Regular_Grid = (Number_Of_Light_Bulbs_In_House * Average_Cost_Of_One_Incandescent_Bulb / Average_Lifetime_Of_Incandescent_Bulb) + Average_Power_Used_By_Lighting_Per_Day_In_kWh * 365 * Cost_Of_Regular_Grid_Per_kWh
34.7825 = (55 * 0.2475 / 1) + 1 * 365 * 0.058

Yearly_Cost_Of_CFL_Lighting_Regular_Grid = (Number_Of_Light_Bulbs_In_House * Average_Cost_Of_One_CFL_Bulb) / (Average_Lifetime_Of_Incandescent_Bulb * Average_Lifetime_Of_CFL_Bulb_Compared_To_Incandescent) + Average_Power_Used_By_Lighting_Per_Day_In_kWh * Wattage_Of_CFL_Needed_To_Replace_One_Watt_Of_Incandescent * 365 * Cost_Of_Regular_Grid_Per_kWh
17.1908333333333 = (55 * 2.16333333333333 / (1 * 10)) + 1 * 0.25 * 365 * 0.058

Net_Cost_Of_Replacing_All_Bulbs_In_House_With_CFL_Regular_Grid = Yearly_Cost_Of_CFL_Lighting_Regular_Grid - Yearly_Cost_Of_Incandescent_Lighting_Regular_Grid
-17.5916666666667 = 17.1908333333333 - 34.7825

CO2_Emissions_From_Clean_Grid_Per_kWh = CO2_Emissions_From_Clean_Per_kWh
0.005 = 0.005

Net_CO2_Emissions_Saved_By_Replacing_All_Bulbs_In_House_With_CFL_Clean_Grid = Average_Power_Used_By_Lighting_Per_Day_In_kWh * (1.0 - Wattage_Of_CFL_Needed_To_Replace_One_Watt_Of_Incandescent) * 365 * CO2_Emissions_From_Clean_Grid_Per_kWh
1.36875 = 1 * (1.0 - 0.25) * 365 * 0.005

Net_Cost_Of_Replacing_All_Bulbs_In_House_With_CFL_Clean_Grid = Yearly_Cost_Of_CFL_Lighting_Clean_Grid - Yearly_Cost_Of_Incandescent_Lighting_Clean_Grid
-26.6254166666667 = 20.2020833333333 - 46.8275

Switching to a clean electricity provider.

In Ontario, Bullfrog Power is currently your only choice for "clean" electricity. Switching to them is as easy as filling out a form on the web, and they will start billing you starting at your next meter reading. The cost is a little more than "regular" power, so switching will not save you any money, but it could save literally tons of carbon dioxide emissions.


CO2_Emissions_From_Regular_Grid_Per_kWh = CO2_Emissions_From_Coal_Per_kWh * Fraction_Of_Regular_Grid_From_Coal + CO2_Emissions_From_Nuclear_Per_kWh * Fraction_Of_Regular_Grid_From_Nuclear + CO2_Emissions_From_Clean_Per_kWh * (1.0 - Fraction_Of_Regular_Grid_From_Coal - Fraction_Of_Regular_Grid_From_Nuclear
0.3566 = 0.95 * 0.37 + 0.01 * 0.39 + 0.005 * (1.0 - 0.37 - 0.39)

CO2_Emissions_From_Clean_Grid_Per_kWh = CO2_Emissions_From_Clean_Per_kWh
0.005 = 0.005

Net_CO2_Emissions_Saved_By_Switching_To_Clean_Grid = Electricity_Used_Per_Year_In_kWh * (CO2_Emissions_From_Regular_Grid_Per_kWh - CO2_Emissions_From_Clean_Grid_Per_kWh)
2109.6 = 6000 * (0.3566 - 0.005)

Net_Cost_Of_Switching_To_Clean_Grid = Electricity_Used_Per_Year_In_kWh * (Cost_Of_Clean_Grid_Per_kWh - Cost_Of_Regular_Grid_Per_kWh)
198 = 6000 * (0.091 - 0.058)

Buying a hybrid car.

This is getting easier every day, especially since the hybrid Toyota Camry only costs a few hundred dollars more than the regular Toyota Camry.

However, not all hybrids are created equal. Don't rush out to buy a hybrid SUV just because you think it will save the environment... it won't! SUV's use hybrid technology for power, not economy (though sometimes they are more fuel efficient than their regular counterparts).

By far the best way to reduce vehicle emissions is to buy a smaller vehicle. Once you have decided what size your vehicle needs to be, shop around for the one with the best mileage. It may or may not be a hybrid!


Net_CO2_Emissions_Saved_By_Buying_A_Prius = Distance_Driven_Per_Year_In_Km * (Mileage_Of_A_Corolla_In_L_Per_100Km - Mileage_Of_A_Prius_In_L_Per_100Km) * CO2_Emissions_From_Gasoline_Per_Litre / 100
1250 = 25000 * (7 - 5) * 2.5 / 100

Net_Cost_Of_Buying_A_Prius = ((Price_Of_A_Prius - Price_Of_A_Corolla) / Expected_Lifetime_Of_Hybrid_Car) - (Price_Of_Gasoline_Per_Litre * Distance_Driven_Per_Year_In_Km * (Mileage_Of_A_Corolla_In_L_Per_100Km - Mileage_Of_A_Prius_In_L_Per_100Km) / 100)
575 = ((32000 - 22000) / 10) - (0.85 * 25000 * (7 - 5) / 100)

Net_CO2_Emissions_Saved_By_Buying_A_Hybrid_Camry = Distance_Driven_Per_Year_In_Km * (Mileage_Of_A_Camry_In_L_Per_100Km - Mileage_Of_A_Hybrid_Camry_In_L_Per_100Km) * CO2_Emissions_From_Gasoline_Per_Litre / 100
1625 = 25000 * (8.4 - 5.8) * 2.5 / 100

Net_Cost_Of_Buying_A_Hybrid_Camry = ((Price_Of_A_Hybrid_Camry - Price_Of_A_Camry) / Expected_Lifetime_Of_Hybrid_Car) - (Price_Of_Gasoline_Per_Litre * Distance_Driven_Per_Year_In_Km * (Mileage_Of_A_Camry_In_L_Per_100Km - Mileage_Of_A_Hybrid_Camry_In_L_Per_100Km) / 100)
-452.5 = ((31000 - 30000) / 10) - (0.85 * 25000 * (8.4 - 5.8) / 100)

Upgrade your hybrid to a plug-in hybrid.

Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV's) are gaining popularity. In some cases you can double your mileage by adding some batteries and plugging your car in at night. However, at the moment the price is not cheap (around $10,000 per vehicle). If you are mechanically inclined and comfortable with high voltages, you can do it yourself for only $5,000.

There is only one Canadian company that I know of doing this right now (Hymotion), and at the moment they are only doing fleets and government vehicles. However, they claim to be opening up their service to individual customers this fall!


Net_CO2_Emissions_Saved_By_Converting_To_Plug_In_Hybrid = Distance_Driven_Per_Year_In_Km * (Mileage_Of_A_Prius_In_L_Per_100Km - Mileage_Of_Plug_In_Hybrid_Car_In_L_Per_100Km) * CO2_Emissions_From_Gasoline_Per_Litre / 100
1562.5 = 25000 * (5 - 2.5) * 2.5 / 100

Net_Cost_Of_Converting_To_Plug_In_Hybrid = (Price_Of_Plug_In_Hybrid_Conversion / Expected_Lifetime_Of_Hybrid_Car) - (Price_Of_Gasoline_Per_Litre * Distance_Driven_Per_Year_In_Km * (Mileage_Of_A_Prius_In_L_Per_100Km - Mileage_Of_Plug_In_Hybrid_Car_In_L_Per_100Km)) / 100)
468.75 = (10000 / 10) - (0.85 * 25000 * (5 - 2.5) / 100)

Upgrade to high efficiency natural gas appliances.

If you are thinking about replacing your furnace or water heater, consider geothermal solutions, and if that doesn't suit you, upgrade to a high efficiency direct-vent furnace or water heater. It could save you some money in the long run, too!


Net_CO2_Emissions_Saved_By_Converting_To_High_Efficiency_Gas_Appliances = Natural_Gas_Used_Per_Year_In_Cubic_Metres * Improvement_Of_High_Efficiency_Natural_Gas_Appliances_As_Percentage * CO2_Emissions_From_Natural_Gas_Per_Cubic_Metre / 100
1618.75 = 3500 * 25 * 1.85 / 100

Net_Cost_Of_Converting_To_High_Efficiency_Gas_Appliances = (Price_Of_Upgrading_Natural_Gas_Appliances / Expected_Lifetime_Of_Natural_Gas_System) - (Natural_Gas_Used_Per_Year_In_Cubic_Metres * Improvement_Of_High_Efficiency_Natural_Gas_Appliances_As_Percentage * Price_Of_Natural_Gas_Per_Cubic_Metre / 100)
-48.3333333333333 = (4000 / 15) - (3500 * 25 * 0.36 / 100)

Replace furnace, water heater, and air conditioner with geothermal solution.

Geothermal is something that I don't hear much about, but the technology seems to be readily available. It costs a fair amount to install, but geothermal units such as the Tranquility 27 can replace your furnace, air conditioner, and water heater all in one unit!

There are a few companies in Ontario installing these systems, and their websites have a wealth of information (sometimes too much!), such as Earth FX Energy, Just Geothermal Systems, Delta Air Systems, and distributor NextEnergy Solutions,

Since every house is different, quotes can vary. If anyone out there gets a quote on a geothermal system, please let me know so that I can adjust my numbers.


CO2_Emissions_From_Regular_Grid_Per_kWh = CO2_Emissions_From_Coal_Per_kWh * Fraction_Of_Regular_Grid_From_Coal + CO2_Emissions_From_Nuclear_Per_kWh * Fraction_Of_Regular_Grid_From_Nuclear + CO2_Emissions_From_Clean_Per_kWh * (1.0 - Fraction_Of_Regular_Grid_From_Coal - Fraction_Of_Regular_Grid_From_Nuclear
0.3566 = 0.95 * 0.37 + 0.01 * 0.39 + 0.005 * (1.0 - 0.37 - 0.39)

Net_CO2_Emissions_Saved_By_Converting_To_Geothermal_Regular_Grid = Natural_Gas_Used_Per_Year_In_Cubic_Metres * CO2_Emissions_From_Natural_Gas_Per_Cubic_Metre - (Electricity_Used_By_Geothermal_System_Per_Year_In_kWh - Electricity_Used_By_Existing_System_Per_Year_In_kWh) * CO2_Emissions_From_Regular_Grid_Per_kWh
1126 = 3500 * 1.85 - (20000 - 5000) * 0.3566

Net_Cost_Of_Converting_To_Geothermal_Regular_Grid = (Electricity_Used_By_Geothermal_System_Per_Year_In_kWh - Electricity_Used_By_Existing_System_Per_Year_In_kWh) * Cost_Of_Regular_Grid_Per_kWh + ((Installation_Cost_Of_Geothermal_System - Installation_Cost_Of_Natural_Gas_System) / Expected_Lifetime_Of_Geothermal_System) - (Natural_Gas_Used_Per_Year_In_Cubic_Metres * Price_Of_Natural_Gas_Per_Cubic_Metre)
610 = (20000 - 5000) * 0.058 + ((30000 - 10000) / 20) - (3500 * 0.36)

Net_CO2_Emissions_Saved_By_Converting_To_Geothermal_Clean_Grid = Natural_Gas_Used_Per_Year_In_Cubic_Metres * CO2_Emissions_From_Natural_Gas_Per_Cubic_Metre - (Electricity_Used_By_Geothermal_System_Per_Year_In_kWh - Electricity_Used_By_Existing_System_Per_Year_In_kWh) * CO2_Emissions_From_Clean_Grid_Per_kWh
6400 = 3500 * 1.85 - (20000 - 5000) * 0.005

Net_Cost_Of_Converting_To_Geothermal_Clean_Grid = (Electricity_Used_By_Geothermal_System_Per_Year_In_kWh - Electricity_Used_By_Existing_System_Per_Year_In_kWh) * Cost_Of_Clean_Grid_Per_kWh + ((Installation_Cost_Of_Geothermal_System - Installation_Cost_Of_Natural_Gas_System) / Expected_Lifetime_Of_Geothermal_System) - (Natural_Gas_Used_Per_Year_In_Cubic_Metres * Price_Of_Natural_Gas_Per_Cubic_Metre)
1105 = (20000 - 5000) * 0.091 + ((30000 - 10000) / 20) - (3500 * 0.36)

Purchase and use a programmable thermostat.

If you are going to buy a programmable thermostat, I recommend getting the most expensive model. My house already had a programmable thermostat when I bought it, but it was a 5-1-1 day style with no "hold" functionality. What that means is that I could set separate programs for weekdays, Saturday, and Sunday, and if I wanted to override the program I could, but the override would only last until the next time period.

I just upgraded to a Honeywell 7-day touchscreen thermostat which allows you to set different programs for each day of the week (useful since Angela doesn't work every day, but has a relatively consistent schedule), and it also has a vacation mode and a timer-driven "hold" option so that you can override the program for as long as you want, or until the next time period.

Note that Programmable Thermostats only save energy if you program them correctly and don't override them every day. ;)

Also, if anyone wants a free programmable thermostat, I have an extra 5-1-1 model that works well.


CO2_Emissions_From_Regular_Grid_Per_kWh = CO2_Emissions_From_Coal_Per_kWh * Fraction_Of_Regular_Grid_From_Coal + CO2_Emissions_From_Nuclear_Per_kWh * Fraction_Of_Regular_Grid_From_Nuclear + CO2_Emissions_From_Clean_Per_kWh * (1.0 - Fraction_Of_Regular_Grid_From_Coal - Fraction_Of_Regular_Grid_From_Nuclear
0.3566 = 0.95 * 0.37 + 0.01 * 0.39 + 0.005 * (1.0 - 0.37 - 0.39)

Net_CO2_Emissions_Saved_By_Using_A_Programmable_Thermostat_Regular_Grid = (Energy_Saved_By_Using_A_Programmable_Thermostat_As_A_Percentage * Natural_Gas_Used_Per_Year_In_Cubic_Metres * CO2_Emissions_From_Natural_Gas_Per_Cubic_Metre + Energy_Saved_By_Using_A_Programmable_Thermostat_As_A_Percentage * Electricity_Used_By_Existing_System_Per_Year_In_kWh * CO2_Emissions_From_Regular_Grid_Per_kWh) / 100
825.8 = (10 * 3500 * 1.85 + 10 * 5000 * 0.3566) / 100

Net_Cost_Of_Using_A_Programmable_Thermostat_Regular_Grid = Price_Of_A_Programmable_Thermostat / Expected_Lifetime_Of_A_Programmable_Thermostat - (Energy_Saved_By_Using_A_Programmable_Thermostat_As_A_Percentage * Natural_Gas_Used_Per_Year_In_Cubic_Metres * Price_Of_Natural_Gas_Per_Cubic_Metre + Energy_Saved_By_Using_A_Programmable_Thermostat_As_A_Percentage * Electricity_Used_By_Existing_System_Per_Year_In_kWh * Cost_Of_Regular_Grid_Per_kWh) / 100
-149 = 120 / 20 - (10 * 3500 * 0.36 + 10 * 5000 * 0.058) / 100

CO2_Emissions_From_Clean_Grid_Per_kWh = CO2_Emissions_From_Clean_Per_kWh
0.005 = 0.005

Net_CO2_Emissions_Saved_By_Using_A_Programmable_Thermostat_Clean_Grid = (Energy_Saved_By_Using_A_Programmable_Thermostat_As_A_Percentage * Natural_Gas_Used_Per_Year_In_Cubic_Metres * CO2_Emissions_From_Natural_Gas_Per_Cubic_Metre + Energy_Saved_By_Using_A_Programmable_Thermostat_As_A_Percentage * Electricity_Used_By_Existing_System_Per_Year_In_kWh * CO2_Emissions_From_Clean_Grid_Per_kWh) / 100
650 = (10 * 3500 * 1.85 + 10 * 5000 * 0.005) / 100

Net_Cost_Of_Using_A_Programmable_Thermostat_Clean_Grid = Price_Of_A_Programmable_Thermostat / Expected_Lifetime_Of_A_Programmable_Thermostat - (Energy_Saved_By_Using_A_Programmable_Thermostat_As_A_Percentage * Natural_Gas_Used_Per_Year_In_Cubic_Metres * Price_Of_Natural_Gas_Per_Cubic_Metre + Energy_Saved_By_Using_A_Programmable_Thermostat_As_A_Percentage * Electricity_Used_By_Existing_System_Per_Year_In_kWh * Cost_Of_Clean_Grid_Per_kWh) / 100
-165.5 = 120 / 20 - (10 * 3500 * 0.36 + 10 * 5000 * 0.091) / 100

Purchas an electric lawnmower.

I don't usually make judgements, but gasoline powered lawnmowers are terrible devices. Electric lawnmowers are much more quiet, and generate much less pollution.

You can get "cordless" battery-powered lawnmowers so you don't have to worry about extension cords. If you are really keen, you can even get a robotic lawnmower.


CO2_Emissions_From_Regular_Grid_Per_kWh = CO2_Emissions_From_Coal_Per_kWh * Fraction_Of_Regular_Grid_From_Coal + CO2_Emissions_From_Nuclear_Per_kWh * Fraction_Of_Regular_Grid_From_Nuclear + CO2_Emissions_From_Clean_Per_kWh * (1.0 - Fraction_Of_Regular_Grid_From_Coal - Fraction_Of_Regular_Grid_From_Nuclear
0.3566 = 0.95 * 0.37 + 0.01 * 0.39 + 0.005 * (1.0 - 0.37 - 0.39)

Net_CO2_Emissions_Saved_By_Using_An_Electric_Lawnmower_Regular_Grid = Litres_Of_Gasoline_Used_Per_Year_In_Lawn_Mower * CO2_Emissions_From_Gasoline_Per_Litre - Electricity_Used_Per_Year_By_Electric_Lawn_Mower_In_kWh * CO2_Emissions_From_Regular_Grid_Per_kWh
7.17 = 10 * 2.5 - 50 * 0.3566

Net_Cost_Of_Using_An_Electric_Lawnmower_Regular_Grid = (Price_Of_Electric_Lawn_Mower - Price_Of_Gasoline_Lawn_Mower) / Expected_Lifetime_Of_Lawn_Mower + Electricity_Used_Per_Year_By_Electric_Lawn_Mower_In_kWh * Cost_Of_Regular_Grid_Per_kWh - Litres_Of_Gasoline_Used_Per_Year_In_Lawn_Mower * Price_Of_Gasoline_Per_Litre
-8.26666666666667 = (120 - 160) / 15 + 50 * 0.058 - 10 * 0.85

CO2_Emissions_From_Clean_Grid_Per_kWh = CO2_Emissions_From_Clean_Per_kWh
0.005 = 0.005

Net_CO2_Emissions_Saved_By_Using_An_Electric_Lawnmower_Clean_Grid = Litres_Of_Gasoline_Used_Per_Year_In_Lawn_Mower * CO2_Emissions_From_Gasoline_Per_Litre - Electricity_Used_Per_Year_By_Electric_Lawn_Mower_In_kWh * CO2_Emissions_From_Clean_Grid_Per_kWh
24.75 = 10 * 2.5 - 50 * 0.005

Net_Cost_Of_Using_An_Electric_Lawnmower_Clean_Grid = (Price_Of_Electric_Lawn_Mower - Price_Of_Gasoline_Lawn_Mower) / Expected_Lifetime_Of_Lawn_Mower + Electricity_Used_Per_Year_By_Electric_Lawn_Mower_In_kWh * Cost_Of_Clean_Grid_Per_kWh - Litres_Of_Gasoline_Used_Per_Year_In_Lawn_Mower * Price_Of_Gasoline_Per_Litre
-6.61666666666667 = (120 - 160) / 15 + 50 * 0.091 - 10 * 0.85

Other References

All references are listed without noting possible bias that may be present. ;)

Electric Power Industry CO2 Emissions and Generation Share by Fuel Type from the US Energy Information Administration.

Life-Cycle Emissions Analysis from the Nuclear Energy Institute.

Ontario power generation breakdown from Bullfrog Power.

To Hybrid, or Not to Hybrid from the Canadian Statistical Assessment Service.

Natural Gas High-Efficiency Furnace info from Union Gas.

Natural Gas and the Environment from the Natural Gas Supply Association.

Carbon dioxide emissions estimates methodology from the Sustainable Energy & Economy Network.

Summary of Research Findings From the Programmable Thermostat Market (PDF) from the Energy Star portion of the US Environmental Protection Agency.

Electric Lawn Mowers from PowerHouse TV.

Gas Mower Facts from People Powered Machines.

Toyota Camry Hybrid from HybridCars.com.


Don't forget CH4 (Methane) is a greenhouse gas too!  Global warming causing
melting permafrost allows ancient frozen plant material to start decaying,
increasing methane production.	The take-away points:  stop planting forests! 

BTW: I'm a proud owner of a programmable thermostat and I love it.
-- Chad at 10:18am, Thursday October 26, 2006 EST

I've been searching for an energy-efficient replacement for Mini-Candelabra
bulbs, you mention that they are out there...  do you have a link for a
-- Ross Rankin at 12:32pm, Wednesday January 3, 2007 EST

As a start, try searching for "compact fluorescent candelabra" on amazon.com. 
I've seen them in person at Rona in Kitchener.	Home Depot may have them as
well, but Rona seems to have a better selection in my area.
-- Michael at 12:53pm, Wednesday January 3, 2007 EST

Hey Mike,

Maybe it's time to update the prices for 2008?	Gasoline is 1.36 and
Natural Gas is now 0.413.  Any chance you'd add graph's?  It'd be cool to watch
the trends... Maybe it would help plan for the $30k for geothermal retrofit. 
-- norm at 5:51pm, Sunday June 22, 2008 EST

Oh, one more thing. The ECO*Energy rebate for geothermal in Canada: Install a
CAN/CSA-C448 compliant earth-energy system (ground or water source) is
-- norm at 6:05pm, Sunday June 22, 2008 EST

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